Yin Yang-Bring balance to yourself

I was too unbalanced until I met my Twin Ray, in my early twenties.
Over the years, I learned the importance of knowing who you are.
You’ll never have an inter-peace if you don’t know who you are.
If you don’t know who you are. It would be best if you spent some time reflecting on it.

What is your strong point, and what is your weakness?
Once you determine your weakness, then work to correct it.
I know it sounds hard to change the way you think.
But it’s for the ultimate self-love to challenge yourself.
The challenge will always bring up self-esteem once you over come it.
Do not look for others to give it to you. After all, it does have word self in it.

By you knowing who you truly are and accepting it. You can then know who you want as life’s partner.
Working on bettering yourself will lead to becoming someone you can be proud of and worthy of being with someone of high quality.
I’m not talking about financial quality.
As I mentioned in my Main Spirituality page, money is not the main reason we are here.

Work on judging yourself and not others. Always give others the benefit of the doubt and push yourself to be the better self.

You’ll see that you’ll find peace and happiness by balancing yourself.

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