Growing up in a Buddhist household, I was close to a god.
However, when I was a pre-teen, one statement made by my father turned me off from religion.
One of my close friends from school was catholic. One day, she asked me to go to her church with her. My father found out that I went to the catholic church and told me that god would punish me if I went to a non-Buddhist church because other religions are fake.
I couldn’t understand why and how god could be so mean to a child for being curious.
I stopped following any religion after that.
Thinking back now, he was only repeated what he heard from someone in his religious group.

As I grew older, too many things happened that led me to believe there is god. (Many, many strange and unexplainable incidences with higher interventions.)
I am very much spiritual these days, and I have a mission to let people know to be kind to one another and stop fussing over things that do not mean anything.

No Matter what religion you believe, the basic fundamentals are same. Be kind to each other and not hurt one another.

On your dying bed, no one thinks of how much money they have in their bank or exotic car in the garage.
The last thing will be on your mind is that big ole diamond ring or designer items in your closet.

The only thing that would matter is how you live your life with your loved ones.
The only thing you can take with you when you die is memories.
So why do we obsess over material things? Working long hours to pay for such things that do not bring you joy as much as spending time with your loved one ?

Nothing is what it seems.

People assume things based on how it looks on the outside.
People worship power, money, and beauty. Things that do not have anything to do with the content of their souls.

We need to treat anyone with kindness and respect regardless of the color of their skin, financial status, or position in society.

It’s much easier to judge people from the surface of things, but as I say, nothing is what it seems.
Just because someone is beautiful on the outside does not mean they are beautiful internally.
Judgment should base on how they act and not what they say or amount of wealth.